More On Neurofeedback

Neurofeedback, also called EEG biofeedback or Neurotherapy, makes use of our brain’s capacity for change to reshape networks. You sit in a chair facing a computer screen while the clinician places sensors on pre-selected sites on your scalp. These sites are connected to a computer programmed to respond to your brain’s activity. The EEG feedback allows you to alter your own waves in parts of your brain that help you pay attention, remain calm, manage your mood and emotions, or help you sleep.

It is a way to directly train the brain to function better. Neurofeedback is a research-supported brain retraining exercise to sharpen attention, relieve anxiety, enhance mood, and improve learning, and behavior…without medication.

Although the technology is complex, the process is simple, painless, and non-invasive. It is just learning. You learn to alter your brain activity the same way you learn every other skill. You learn through feedback and practice. What is new in neurofeedback is that you are guided by a form of feedback that was previously not available to you. With neurofeedback, you get instantaneous information or feedback about changes in your brain’s electrical activity. Every half-second, your brain activity is compared to your target or goal for change. You get a signal and “reward” when you meet the goal. No signal or reward when you do not.

Take a look at a video explanation by Mike Cohen

Note: At BrainWorks we use movies and music instead of video games.

See the problem, then correct It.. 

Many psychological disorders result from problems in brain function. Medications just treat the symptoms and do not correct the source of the problem in the brain. At BrainWorks, my approach is different. I measure brain function with a quantitative EEG brain map, so I can see the possible reasons for your difficulties. (See the example below). Then we target the brain problem for change through neurofeedback brain training. This allows you to reshape your brain, not just mask your symptoms. 

Rob Longo offers an excellent quick read to better understand the basics of Neurofeedback:

What is a QEEG Brain Map?

A brain map uses sophisticated computer technology to record electrical signals when neurons fire throughout the brain. Those electrical signals can be interpreted as brain waves which can then be associated with  specific brain functions and states of mind. 

Bonnie Landau , a special needs moms’ advocate offers personal insights in her publication:

What Can a QEEG Brain Map Tell You? Neurofeedback

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The International Society For Neuro- Regulation And Research